You are accessing documentation for Bp Allied version 6. This is not the latest version of Bp Allied.
Support for this product will cease on 1 February 2021

QG - Add a Document to Client Record

In Clinet Details > Document / Phone calls tab
In the Appointment Book
Click Add a Document
In the Appointments or Clients toolbar
Click Attach Document
The Document - [Client Name] window will display
Client Name: Select the client to add the document to, if not already selected
Choose either the:
Select File...
Click the File selector to browse for a document located on your computer, USB stick or external harddrive.
Scan a Document:
Click on the Scan Button
File to be Saved: This displays the file path for the document that will be attached to the client record.
File Description: Give the file a description to help you identify the file more easily e.g. GP Referral July 2012
Document Owner: Use this to assign a document to a practitioner. This will help if Client documents need to be separated out when a Practitioner leaves the practice.
Click Save and Close to save the document to the client record. 
To see full details about adding a Document click here or what you see once the document has been added click here.