Using the Transaction Summary Report

The Transaction Summary Report has several modes that can be used to review and report on Invoices and their associated payments and vice versa. For detailed information on using the Filtering, Grouping and other manipulations of the views please refer to the linked articles.
Using the Transaction Summary Report

Display Filter

1. Display Filter
Select which option to be the focus of the information returned. Each option displays different results. See examples in the Results Grid section below.

Date Filter

2. Date Filter
Used to filter the dates displayed. The results are inclusive of the dates selected.


3. Go
Click Go to display the items based on the date and filter selection

Deleted / Voided

4. Deleted / Voided
By default any deleted or voided invoices are not included in the results grid. Turn this on to display invoices of these statuses.

Expand / Collapse

5. Expand / Collapse
Click Expand to display all the nested items under any line that has a + on the left hand side.
Click Collapse to close all the nested items up under their parent item.

Grouping Options

6. Grouping Options
Built in grouping options available in this report.
Group by Date
Group by Month
Group by Year
Clear Grouping removes any items from the Group by field
Restore Default Layout adds all the columns in the report by default back in as well as removing any grouping or filtering options. The report has to be closed and re-opened to see the original view.

Payment / Invoice Association

7. Payment / Invoice Association
Changes the view so that just the Payments for the Invoices that mean the Date and Display filters are shown in the Results Grid.
After this is clicked then the button changes to the following:

Results Grid

Displays the results based on the selections in the Date and Display filters.
Example: Invoices Display filter.
8. Results Grid
The above image displays all invoices that meet the dates specified in the date filter. Any Invoice with an associated payment can be expanded using the + on the left hand side of the Invoice ID to display the full payment record details.
Invoice ID - Related invoice. If the payment includes payments for multiple invoices then this field will be blank. The related invoices will need to be retrieved from the Payment directly.
Invoice Date - Date of the invoice
Invoice Status - E.g. Paid or Awaiting Payment. Based on the statuses available that can be reviewed here.
Bill to - Who the Invoice is addressed to e.g. client or third party name
Client (if not = Bill to) - Client referred to in a Third Party Invoice. If there are multiple clients included on the invoice then this will display *mulitple*
Location - Name of the location on the invoice. If there are multiple clients / appointments on the invoice then this will be the location for the first appointment invoiced.
Practitioner - The Practitioner on the related Invoice. If the Invoice includes items for multiple clients then this field will be the first appointment added to the Invoice.
Payment No - links to the payment. Click on the link to view the payment in the invoices module. If there are multiple payments associated with the invoice then this will display *mulitple*
Payment Date - Date of the payment
Payment Method - How the payment was received
Payment Amount - How much the payment was for
Health Fund – If the claim has been lodged through HealthPoint then the relevant Health Fund will display in this field.
Example: Payments Display filter.
Additional Fields in this view:
Cheque No. - If entered for a Cheque at time of payment
Banked - Whether the payment has been banked - really used for Cash and Cheques.
Banked On - The date banked
GST - GST Amount of this payment
Example: Both Payments Filter
Additional Fields in this view:
Type - Distinguishes the type of record being displayed. There are three Invoice, Payment and Refund.


9. Totals
The built in totalling function shows the totals of each column.
Details on how to add or change totals can be found here.

Standard Output Options

10. Standard Output Options
Use the standard options to Export, Preview or Print the report.